Tractors 2015 6,420 h France, CHICHE
Cultivators France
Forage Harvester 2019 France
Potato Harvesters And Diggers 2021 705 h France, Feuchy
Cultivators 2017 France, TERREA FRONCLES
Farm Equipment - Others 2015 France
Farm Equipment - Others 2016 France, PENCRAN
Swathers \ Windrowers 2018 France
Other Sowing Machines And Accessories 2014 France
Mineral spreaders 2020 France
Tractors 2020 3,260 h France
Tractors 2019 3,600 h France, les touches, Pays-de-la-Loire
Mower-conditioners 2013 France
Mixer feeders 2012 France, TERREA VERDUN
Mineral spreaders 1995 France, SEVIGNY WALEPPE, Grand Est
Round Balers 2021 France
Tractors 2022 France
Farm Equipment - Others France
Swathers \ Windrowers France