Tractors 2015 5,500 h France
Harrows France, SAONE, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Reversible ploughs 2002 France, AGRI86 CY AGRITEAM OUEST
Front Loader Accessories 2000 France
Mower-conditioners 2003 France
Tractors 2015 3,335 h France, AGRICENTRE PC AGRITEAM OUEST
Tractors 2009 4,435 h France
Rakes and tedders 2017 France
Telehandlers for Agriculture 2017 2,150 h France
Other Forage Equipment 2011 France, PENCRAN
Tractors 2017 3,100 h France, 192059
Farm Drills 2007 France, SEVIGNY WALEPPE, Grand Est
Power Harrows And Rototillers 1998 France, SEVIGNY WALEPPE, Grand Est
Round Balers 2018 20,254 h France, PENCRAN
Other Forage Equipment 2019 France, PENCRAN
Rakes and tedders 2013 France
Potato Equipment - Others 2021 France, Hardifort
Tractors 2015 1,104 h France
Farm Equipment - Others France
Pasture Mowers And Toppers 2015 France, AGRICENTRE LC AGRITEAM OUEST