Mowers 2017 France
Mower-conditioners 2017 France
Rakes and tedders 2008 France
Mowers 2018 France
Swathers \ Windrowers 2015 France
Swathers \ Windrowers 2006 France
Swathers \ Windrowers 2013 France, les touches, Pays-de-la-Loire
Forage Harvester 2017 France, PENCRAN
Rakes and tedders 2012 France, PENCRAN
Rakes and tedders 2013 France
Rakes and tedders 2013 France7d
Rakes and tedders 2012 France
Mowers 2012 France, LONLAY L'ABBAYE
Rakes and tedders 2011 France
Swathers \ Windrowers 2013 France
Mowers 2018 France, les touches, Pays-de-la-Loire