Mineral spreaders 2000 France, ETS CORNET PI AGRITEAM OUEST
Rakes and tedders 2012 France
Rakes and tedders 2010 France
Mineral spreaders 2004 France, CENTRAGRI SG AGRITEAM OUEST
Swathers \ Windrowers 2016 France
Shredders 2010 France, VOLGELSHEIM, Grand Est
Harrows 2019 France
Mixer feeders 2011 France
Mowers 2009 France
Rakes and tedders 2019 France
Rakes and tedders 2001 France
Mowers 2011 France
Rakes and tedders 2018 France
Rakes and tedders France
Mowers 2021 France
Swathers \ Windrowers 2000 France
Rakes and tedders 2022 France, AGRICENTRE PC AGRITEAM OUEST
Mowers 2019 France
Mowers 2005 France, illkirch
Mower-conditioners 2023 France, LONLAY L'ABBAYE