Reversible ploughs 2002 France, AGRI86 CY AGRITEAM OUEST
Mower-conditioners 2003 France
Rakes and tedders 2013 France
Sprayer Fertilizers 1999 France
Mixer feeders 2006 France
Mowers 2009 France
Mowers 2018 France, les touches, Pays-de-la-Loire
Mowers 2012 France
Rakes and tedders 1999 France
Mower-conditioners 2017 France
Mowers 2020 France, LONLAY L'ABBAYE
Rakes and tedders 2007 France
Mineral spreaders 2008 France, AGRI86 LE AGRITEAM OUEST
Rakes and tedders 2016 France
Mowers 2020 France, illkirch
Mowers 2011 France, illkirch
Sprayer Fertilizers 2007 France
Power Harrows And Rototillers 2018 France, PENCRAN
Mowers 2022 France, illkirch