Altorfer Inc. - West Branch

855 South Downey Street
West Branch IA 52358
United States

Brands that we represent

  • Caterpillar

About the company

In business for over 50 years, Altorfer is proud to carry the Caterpillar's full line of construction and mining equipment, work tools, truck engines, power systems and lift trucks.

With 16 locations and over 750 dedicated employees, we serve 88 counties across Eastern Iowa, Northern Missouri and Central Illinois.

Altorfer Inc. - West Branch ads on Mascus

      Other locations for Altorfer Inc.

      How to get to Altorfer Inc. - West Branch

      Contact Altorfer Inc. - West Branch

      This is the Mascus directory listing for Altorfer Inc. - West Branch located in the United States, Iowa, West Branch.

      You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact Altorfer Inc. - West Branch using the contact form on the right.

      Altorfer Inc. - West Branch represents brands: Caterpillar.