Attrans Commercials Ltd.

Mdina Road
9018 Żebbuġ
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Web site:Visit dealer website

Services offered by Attrans Commercials Ltd.

  • Used equipment
  • New equipment
  • Spare parts

About the company

Having established its reputation on the local scene, the company decided to look beyond the Maltese shores and try to expand its business by entering the export market. Due to the Malta's close ties with Libya the latter was identified as a country where there were excellent business prospects. The initials years trying to penetrate the Libyan market were slow but with perseverance, time and effort various orders for heavy machinery have been concluded and others are in the pipeline. The Libyan market is gaining momentum and prospects for increased business in this difficult market are very bright indeed.

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      Related links

      How to get to Attrans Commercials Ltd.

      Contact Attrans Commercials Ltd.

      This is the Mascus directory listing for Attrans Commercials Ltd. located in Malta, Malta, Żebbuġ.

      You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact Attrans Commercials Ltd. using the contact form on the right.

      The company offers services like: used equipment, new equipment and spare parts.