CO.M.E.G. srl

Via Jetticelli, 4E
87012 Castrovillari
+39 0981 480 477
Web site:Visit dealer website

Services offered by CO.M.E.G. srl

  • Used equipment
  • New equipment
  • Rental
  • Repair
  • Spare parts

About the company

CO.M.EG. vende e noleggia macchine movimento terra nuove e usate, come autogru, escavatori, piattaforme, autocarri, gruppi elettrogeni, compressori, auto betoniere, terne, sollevatori telescopici ecc. l'azienda commercializza inoltre ricambi, e fornisce assistenza tecnica post-vendita anche grazie alle sue officine mobili.
I marchi rappresentati includono Komatsu, Manitou, Mosa, Fiori, Promove, Hammer, Dumec, Cormidi.

CO.M.E.G. srl ads on Mascus

      Other locations for Komatsu ReMarketing

      How to get to CO.M.E.G. srl

      Contact CO.M.E.G. srl
      Privacy Policy

      This is the Mascus directory listing for CO.M.E.G. srl located in Italy, Cosenza, Castrovillari.

      You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact CO.M.E.G. srl using the contact form on the right.

      The company offers services like: used equipment, new equipment, rental, repair and spare parts.