Comac Gmbh / Srl

Via Rheinfelden Strasse 11
39044 Egna
+39 0471 81 31 10
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Services offered by Comac Gmbh / Srl

  • Used equipment
  • New equipment
  • Rental
  • Spare parts
  • Accessories

Brands that we represent

  • Hitachi
  • PowerScreen
  • Terex Pegson
  • Gehl
  • Bomag

About the company

Comac is established at Appiano (BZ), Italy in 1982 with the objective to operate in Italy and overseas in the commercialisation of earthmoving machinery, crushing and screening equipment.

In 1999 Comac purchases Vema S.p.A., the Fiat Hitachi dealer for the Alto Adige and Trento province areas.

Following the break-up of the joint venture between Fiat and Hitachi in 2003, Comac becomes the exclusive distributor of Hitachi products for the entire area of the North East of Italy.
This important step brings Comac to create and organise a capillary network of distribution and service support by utilising independently owned regional workshops and in opening a fully owned and controlled branch at Boara Pisani (PD), Italy.

Comac is keenly focused in the sale and service of machinery, in the rental of the same as well as in the sale and distribution of spare parts in its market territory.
Hitachi equipment is not the only product handled by Comac. Other important materials are handled by the Comac organisation.

Among them particular importance is given to Terex-Pegson crushing equipment, Powersceen screening machinery, as wee as to Gehl skid loaders and Bomag rollers.
Furukawa hydraulic hammers complete the range of Comac’s earthmoving and construction materials.

In addition to these products Comac has entered successfully the field of environment control and ecology by introducing a dust suppression system, built and marketed a national and international basis, through Comac Environment and it´s dealers. This system is utilised in earthmoving applications as well as in industrial applications.

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      Specializing in:

      • Skid-Steer-Loader
      • Excavator
      • Compactor
      • Esavatore
      • Pale
      • Rulli
      • Bagger
      • Walzen
      • Lader
      • Impianti frantumazione

      This is the Mascus directory listing for Comac Gmbh / Srl located in Italy, Bolzano, Egna.

      You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact Comac Gmbh / Srl using the contact form on the right.

      The company offers services like: used equipment, new equipment, rental, spare parts and accessories.

      Comac Gmbh / Srl represents brands: Hitachi, PowerScreen, Terex Pegson, Gehl, Bomag.

      The company specializes in Skid-Steer-Loader, Excavator, Compactor, Esavatore, Pale, Rulli, Bagger, Walzen, Lader, Impianti frantumazione.