Here are all the classified ads with used Sullivan Palatek compressors available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Sullivan Palatek compressors grouped by model.
Compressors 2005 United States, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Compressors 2002 United States, Gillette, Wyoming
Compressors 2014 2,378 h United States, Cedar City, Utah
Compressors 2013 5,048 h United States, Gainesville, Georgia
Compressors 2012 2,857 h United States, Gainesville, Georgia
Compressors 2013 3,100 h United States, Gainesville, Georgia
Compressors 2017 United States, Salt Lake City, Utah
Compressors 215 h United States, Moab, Utah
Compressors 2016 4,390 h United States, Rochester, New York
Compressors 2016 3,114 h United States, Rochester, New York
Compressors 2016 4,298 h United States, Rochester, New York
Compressors 2016 United States, Ft. Pierce, Florida
Compressors 2012 United States, Pleasureville, Kentucky
Compressors 2014 4,290 h United States, Gainesville, Georgia
Compressors 2012 3,259 h United States, Gainesville, Georgia
Compressors 2015 5,054 h United States, Canastota, New York
Compressors 2015 3,087 h United States, Canastota, New York
Compressors 2016 929 h United States, Canastota, New York
Compressors 2019 1,220 h United States, Fort Dodge, Iowa