Here are all the classified ads with used Iteco scissor lifts available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Iteco scissor lifts grouped by model.
Scissor Lifts 1996 821 h Netherlands
Scissor Lifts 2007 186 h Netherlands, Hedel
Scissor Lifts 2013 639 h Germany
Scissor Lifts 2013 746 h Germany
Scissor Lifts 2013 643 h Germany
Scissor Lifts 2013 625 h Germany
Scissor Lifts 2007 1,093 h Netherlands, EINDHOVEN-AIRPORT, Noord-Brabant
Scissor Lifts 2008 861 h Hungary, Nagytarcsa, Pest
Scissor Lifts 2008 780 h Hungary, Nagytarcsa, Pest
Scissor Lifts 2011 461 h Germany, Herscheid, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Scissor Lifts 2012 622 h Netherlands, EINDHOVEN-AIRPORT, Noord-Brabant
Scissor Lifts 2008 1,012 h Netherlands, EINDHOVEN-AIRPORT, Noord-Brabant
Scissor Lifts 2008 Poland, Opole
Scissor Lifts 2009 Germany, Hohen Neuendor
Scissor Lifts 2007 Serbia
Scissor Lifts 2006 Poland
Scissor Lifts 2008 799 h Poland, Opole
Scissor Lifts 2013 516 h Germany
Scissor Lifts 2013 492 h Germany