Here are all the classified ads with used Sennebogen wheeled excavators available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Sennebogen wheeled excavators grouped by model.
Wheeled Excavators 2008 25,800 h Germany
Wheeled Excavators 2011 24,513 h Germany
Wheeled Excavators 2012 22,563 h Germany, Erwitte
Wheeled Excavators 1994 8,715 h Netherlands
Wheeled Excavators 2014 17,446 h Germany
Wheeled Excavators 2003 12,000 h Germany, Erwitte
Wheeled Excavators 2012 9,877 h Germany, Erwitte
Wheeled Excavators 2019 10,632 h Ireland, Dublin
Wheeled Excavators 2021 3,081 h Germany, Zuffenhausen
Wheeled Excavators 2019 6,134 h Germany, Zuffenhausen
Wheeled Excavators 2020 2,076 h Germany, Erwitte
Wheeled Excavators 2019 1,067 h Germany, Ludwigshafen
Wheeled Excavators 2022 2,808 h Germany, Zuffenhausen
Wheeled Excavators 2023 1,400 h Germany, Zuffenhausen
Wheeled Excavators 2023 658 h Germany, Erfurt
Wheeled Excavators 2022 295 h Germany, Hanau
Wheeled Excavators 2023 490 h Germany
Wheeled Excavators 2024 134 h Germany
Wheeled Excavators 2022 1,437 h Germany, Erwitte
Wheeled Excavators 2023 332 h Germany, Zuffenhausen