Empire Southwest LLC - Phoenix

21230 N. Black Canyon Hwy.
Phoenix AZ 85027
United States

Services offered by Empire Southwest LLC - Phoenix

  • Used equipment
  • New equipment
  • Rental
  • Repair
  • Spare parts
  • Accessories
  • Transport
  • Financing

Brands that we represent

  • Caterpillar

About the company

Since 1950, Empire Southwest is a family owned business specializing in quality Caterpillar equipment. Now ranking in the top Caterpillar dealers in the world, Empire Southwest is committed to treating both it's clients and customers fairly and ethically. We have a reputation for excellence in the products we sell and services we offer.

Thank you for choosing Empire Southwest!

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      This is the Mascus directory listing for Empire Southwest LLC - Phoenix located in the United States, Arizona, Phoenix.

      You will find a list of the dealer's machinery inventory listed here. If there are no machines available, please contact Empire Southwest LLC - Phoenix using the contact form on the right.

      The company offers services like: used equipment, new equipment, rental, repair, spare parts, accessories, transport and financing.

      Empire Southwest LLC - Phoenix represents brands: Caterpillar.