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    Used Transportation Vehicles for Sale

    Mascus has a wide variety of used trucks, Trailers, and other vehicles available for sale in their online marketplace for trucks and heavy machinery.With products made by industry-leading manufacturers including Mercedes-Benz, MAN and more. Mascus offers top of the line equipment that is built to last. With new listings being added daily, customers are able to find the equipment and parts they need, for any construction project. Browse related categories including trucks, vans and conventional trucks & tractor trucks. Can't find what you're looking for? Submit a want ad and we'll send it to equipment sellers advertising in Mascus.
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    • Featured
      Peterbilt 579, 2019, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 579

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2019 283,265 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      52,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner Cascadia, 2018, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksFreightliner Cascadia

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2018 489,573 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      34,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner Cascadia 125, 2016, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksFreightliner Cascadia 125

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2016 600,100 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      24,950 USD
    • Featured
      Western Star 4900, 2023, Dump TrucksWestern Star 4900

      Dump Trucks
      2023 185,000 miles
      United States, Toledo, Ohio

      204,950 USD
    • Featured
      Western Star 4900, 2023, Dump TrucksWestern Star 4900

      Dump Trucks
      2023 157,001 miles
      United States, Toledo, Ohio

      197,850 USD
    • Featured
      Peterbilt 579, 2020, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 579

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2020 556,606 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      39,950 USD
    • Featured
      International LT Sleeper, 2019, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksInternational LT Sleeper

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2019 322,885 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      42,950 USD
    • Can't find what you are looking for? Submit a want ad
    • Featured
      Peterbilt 567, 2016, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 567

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2016 615,586 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      42,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner Coronado 122, 2017, Dump TrucksFreightliner Coronado 122

      Dump Trucks
      2017 297,250 miles
      United States, Indianapolis, Indiana

      134,950 USD
    • Featured
      Hino 268 A, 2018, Flatbed TrucksHino 268 A

      Flatbed Trucks
      2018 72,237 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      39,950 USD
    • Featured
      Peterbilt 579, 2019, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 579

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2019 446,793 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      54,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner Cascadia, 2021, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksFreightliner Cascadia

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2021 340,749 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      79,950 USD
    • Featured
      Western Star 4900, 2023, Dump TrucksWestern Star 4900

      Dump Trucks
      2023 157,001 miles
      United States, Toledo, Ohio

      197,850 USD
    • Featured
      Peterbilt 579, 2017, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 579

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2017 647,100 miles
      United States, Kansas City, Missouri

      34,950 USD
    • Featured
      International LT Sleeper, 2021, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksInternational LT Sleeper

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2021 309,380 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      69,950 USD
    • Featured
      Peterbilt 579, 2023, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksPeterbilt 579

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      84,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner M 106, 2019, Box trucksFreightliner M 106

      Box trucks
      2019 242,208 miles
      United States, Kansas City, Missouri

      54,950 USD
    • Featured
      International LT Sleeper, 2021, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksInternational LT Sleeper

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2021 326,417 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      52,950 USD
    • Featured
      Western Star 4900, 2023, Dump TrucksWestern Star 4900

      Dump Trucks
      2023 142,000 miles
      United States, Toledo, Ohio

      204,950 USD
    • Featured
      Freightliner Coronado, 2015, Conventional Trucks / Tractor TrucksFreightliner Coronado

      Conventional Trucks / Tractor Trucks
      2015 573,424 miles
      United States, Commerce City, Colorado

      42,950 USD

    How does Mascus help you find used trucks and trailers?

    If you are looking for used trucks, trailers, and transportation vehicles, please browse our categories. Refine your list by make, model, price, location, or any of 13 search options. Sort your list 9 different ways, including hours and price!

    Mascus is not the owner of those vehicles and does not take any commission from their sale. To buy a used truck or trailer, please contact the sellers directly using the contact information or the form that is provided. Please remember you found the Truck or Trailer for sale on Mascus.

    How Mascus can help sell your used truck or trailer?

    Selling used trucks and trailers with Mascus is simple and easy. Check our price list and then place your ad on our website. Dealers of used trucks and trailers qualify for special advertising rates. To find out more about our truck and trailer sales packages, please contact the Mascus USA team.

    How to place a Want Ad for used truck or trailer?

    Our `Want ad` service is free and simple! Use it to find the exact truck or trailer that you need to buy if it is not available in our listings.

    Click here and fill out the form to place a Want ad. Just describe the type and brand of the truck or trailer you are looking to buy to obtain offers directly from the used truck and trailer dealers in our network.

    Can Mascus finance and transport used trucks and trailers that are available on the website?

    On the truck and trailer product cards we often list finance partners who can help you with financing your used truck and trailer purchase.

    Transportation companies are also available on the product card for your services.

    Click the company logos, fill out the contact form and receive from quotations directly by e-mail.

    Learn more about finance or transport of used trucks and trailers here.

    What are security issues connected with purchasing used transport vehicles advertised on Mascus?

    Mascus does not take part in the transaction and is not responsible for the content of the classifieds. Before making a purchase, please confirm all the details with the seller. Please read our General Terms of Use carefully.

    Why should I register if I want to buy used transport vehicles?

    Mascus has prepared many additional features that simplify the search and comparison. The registered users can also send inquiries and Want ads for used transportation vehicles easier and faster, as they do not need to fill in their details each time. Registration is free and enables to get the most of Mascus` services.

    What are the most popular brands and model of trucks?

    The most popular used trucks for sale on Mascus are:

    Peterbilt 379 | Kenworth W900 | International LoneStar | Kenworth T800 | Freightliner Century | Kenworth T660 | Peterbilt 386 | Mack Pinnacle | Western Star 4900
    Construction Equipment | Excavators | Caterpillar Excavators | Backhoe Loaders | Loaders | Cat Wheel Loaders | Generators | Aerial Platforms | Cranes | Attachments | Dump Trucks | Mini Excavators | Heavy Equipment Spare Parts | Dozers | Cat Dozers
    Farm Equipment | Tractors | John Deere Tractors | Trailers | Tillage Machines | Combine Harvesters | Hay And Forage Machines | Utility Trailers
    Transport | Trucks | International Trucks | Mack Trucks | Ford Trucks | Dump Trucks | Semi Trailers | Trailers | Tow Trucks | Box Trucks | Bucket Trucks | Vans | Dump Trailers | Conventional & Tractor Trucks | Transportation Spare Parts
    Material Handling Equipment | Forklifts | Hyster Forklifts | Doosan Forklifts | Stackers | Reach Trucks
    Forestry Equipment | Wood Chippers | Harvesters
    Grounds Care Equipment | Lawn Mowers | Compact Tractors | John Deere Compact Tractors