Number of ads: 14

Cheap forest machine transport trucks

The following is the list of cheap forest machine transport trucks available on Mascus. All ads of forest machine transport trucks are sorted by price, so choose the one that is the most affordable for you. You can use refine search navigation on the left hand side or browse all used excavators for sale.

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  • Scania T 141, 1979, Forest machine transport trucksScania T 141

    Forest machine transport trucks
    Sweden, Kalmar, Kalmar län

    4,567 USD
  • Volvo FL 12, 1996, Forest machine transport trucksVolvo FL 12-380 6x2-5200 koneritiläauto

    Forest machine transport trucks
    1996 683,508 miles
    Finland, Hämeenkyrö

    11,460 USD
  • Sisu SM 332, 1994, Forest machine transport trucksSisu SM 332 445E select

    Forest machine transport trucks
    1994 1,052,585 miles
    Finland, Kajaani

    11,576 USD
  • Sisu SM 300, 1990, Forest machine transport trucksSisu SM 300

    Forest machine transport trucks
    1990 509,209 miles
    Finland, Lohja

    13,601 USD
  • Sisu E14, 1996, Forest machine transport trucksSisu E14 8x2

    Forest machine transport trucks
    1996 384,007 miles
    Finland, Tupos, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa

    14,469 USD
  • Scania 124 G 420, Forest machine transport trucksScania R124G 420

    Forest machine transport trucks
    Finland, Lohiniva

    17,363 USD
  • Volvo FH 12, 2001, Forest machine transport trucksVolvo FH 12

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2001 490,883 miles

    26,045 USD
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  • Volvo FH 12, 2005, Forest machine transport trucksVolvo FH 12 8*2

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2005 904,716 miles

    31,833 USD
  • Scania 144 G 460, 1999, Forest machine transport trucksScania 144G 460 6x4

    Forest machine transport trucks
    1999 560,977 miles
    Finland, Jyväskylä

    34,148 USD
  • Sisu R500, 2007, Forest machine transport trucksSisu R500

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2007 304,264 miles
    Finland, Kalajoki

    49,659 USD
  • Sisu E 13, 2008, Forest machine transport trucksSisu R500 E13M 8x4

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2008 492,747 miles
    Finland, Juupajoki

    49,659 USD
  • Scania R 490, 2016, Forest machine transport trucksScania R490 8x2*6

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2016 301,986 miles
    Finland, Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa

    103,022 USD
  • Volvo FH 540, 2015, Forest machine transport trucksVolvo FH540 10x4/6

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2015 244,199 miles
    Finland, Laitila

    149,324 USD
  • Volvo FH 16 750, 2019, Forest machine transport trucksVolvo FH 16 750

    Forest machine transport trucks
    2019 48,467 miles
    Finland, Perniö

    218,777 USD

Please, view the list of the cheap forest machine transport trucks for sale. The ads of used forest machine transport trucks were sorted by price, so you can pick up the one that suits you best.
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