Here are all the classified ads with used Bravi aerial platforms available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Bravi aerial platforms grouped by model.
Other lifts and platforms 2014 391 h Netherlands, Krimpen aan de Lek
Vertical mast lifts 2016 Sweden, Göteborg, Västra Götalands län
Other lifts and platforms 2010 Germany
Other lifts and platforms Croatia, Zagreb, Rugvica
Articulated boom lifts 2020 43 h Netherlands, Groenlo
Vertical mast lifts 2014 Germany, Schermbeck, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2011 Germany, Auf Anfrage
Other lifts and platforms 2015 327 h Belgium
Other lifts and platforms 2009 Italy, Pianiga VE
Other lifts and platforms 2015 302 h Belgium
Vertical mast lifts 2022 Finland
Other lifts and platforms 2012 France, Senlis
Vertical mast lifts 2016 358 h Belgium
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2014 376 h Germany, Schermbeck, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Scissor Lifts 2010 Germany, Neuss, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2018 40 h Germany, Visbek, Niedersachsen
Other lifts and platforms 2014 157 h Netherlands
Other lifts and platforms 2011 Germany
Scissor Lifts 2012 Germany, Stuhr, Niedersachsen
Vertical mast lifts 2010 250 h Finland