Here are all the classified ads with used Teupen aerial platforms available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Teupen aerial platforms grouped by model.
Articulated boom lifts 2016 1,330 h United States, Dupont, Indiana
Articulated boom lifts 2014 2,626 h United States, Easley, South Carolina
Articulated boom lifts 2012 United States, Amherst, New York
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2024 United States, Bristol, Pennsylvania
Vertical mast lifts 2019 United States, Ruckersville, Virginia
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2014 928 h United States, Bristol, Pennsylvania
Articulated boom lifts 2018 1,113 h United States, Oakland, California
Articulated boom lifts 2020 330 h United States, Amherst, New York
Articulated boom lifts 2005 Germany, Geilenkirchen, Nordrhein-Westfalen7d
Other lifts and platforms 1999 Italy, Cuneo, Cuneo7d
Compact self-propelled boom lifts 2018 Germany, Regensburg
Telescopic boom lifts 2016 2,634 h France, Méry-sur-Oise, Île-de-France
Other lifts and platforms 2017 600 h Italy
Telescopic boom lifts 2009 Netherlands, EINDHOVEN-AIRPORT, Noord-Brabant
Other lifts and platforms 2013 3,850 h Belgium
Trailer Mounted Aerial Platforms 2010 4,524 h Germany
Other lifts and platforms 2018 3,029 h Belgium, Waregem
Articulated boom lifts 2007 443 h Netherlands, Wijchen, Gelderland
Truck Mounted Aerial Platforms 1998 Poland, Jordanów, małopolskie
Articulated boom lifts 2017 Netherlands, Groenlo