Here is a list of the currently available used dumpers construction machines for sale at Sort ads by price, year, odometer or country.
Site Dumpers 2019 655 h Germany, Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein7d
Site Dumpers 2021 1,676 h United Kingdom, Garvagh, Londonderry
Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs) 2020 780 h Slovenia, Gomilsko, Savinjska
Site Dumpers 2019 1,200 h United Kingdom
Site Dumpers 2020 1,470 h United Kingdom, Garvagh, Londonderry
Site Dumpers 2020 1,373 h United Kingdom, Garvagh, Londonderry
Site Dumpers 2019 1,553 h United Kingdom, MOLD, Clwyd
Site Dumpers 2018 1,198 h United Kingdom