Number of ads: 253

Used Terex dumpers for sale

Here are all the classified ads with used Terex dumpers available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Terex dumpers grouped by model.

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  • Featured
    Terex TA 300, 2015, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2015 9,000 h
    United States, Dallas, Texas

    73,850 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2013, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2013 2,706 h
    United States, Lakeville, Minnesota

    169,500 USD
  • Terex TA9, 2015, Site DumpersTerex TA9

    Site Dumpers
    United States, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

    19,900 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2019, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Rockbridge Baths, Virginia

    165,000 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2015, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA 300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2015 7,048 h
    United States, Walnut Creek, California

    59,500 USD
  • Terex TA 30, 2001, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA30

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Wylie, Texas

    36,500 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2015, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA 300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Walnut Creek, California

    59,500 USD
  • Can't find what you are looking for? Submit a want ad
  • Terex 3307, 1977, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex 3307

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Saint Paul, Minnesota

    29,500 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2015, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA 300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2015 6,702 h
    United States, Walnut Creek, California

    59,500 USD
  • Terex TA 400, 2020, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA400

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2020 15 h
    United States, Coalhurst, Alberta

    On Request
  • Terex TA 300, 2021, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2021 5 h
    United States, Coalhurst, Alberta

    On Request
  • Terex TA 400, 2012, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA400

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Saint Paul, Minnesota

    On Request
  • Terex TA 6, Site DumpersTerex TA6S

    Site Dumpers
    United States, Weedsport, New York

    26,980 USD
  • Terex TA 300, 2015, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA300

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2015 7,100 h
    United States, Lewisville, Texas

    99,000 USD
  • Terex TR 100, 2000, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TR100

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Auburn, Washington

    On Request
  • Terex TR 40, 2000, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TR40

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2000 7,000 h
    United States, Wayne, Michigan

    74,900 USD
  • Terex TA 40, 2006, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA 40

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2006 16,000 h
    United States, Concord, California

    59,500 USD
  • Terex TS 9, 2011, Site DumpersTerex TS 9

    Site Dumpers
    2011 3,800 h
    United States, Walnut Creek, California

    17,500 USD
  • Terex TA 400, 2018, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA400

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    2018 4,100 h
    United States, San Antonio, Texas

    205,000 USD
  • Terex TA 27, 2000, Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)Terex TA27

    Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs)
    United States, Wylie, Texas

    27,500 USD

Terex Dumpers

Founded in 1925, Terex is an experienced player in the construction industry. As one of the leaders in the sector of heavy machinery, it provides customers all over the world with the high quality equipment necessary on construction sites. Terex offers aerial work platforms, cranes, drilling equipment, road building machinery and various utility vehicles and dumpers among others.

There are many models of new and used Terex dumpers. Whatever job you want to throw at them, these dump trucks can definitely handle it, for example: moving tons of dirt or gravel is an easy job for bigger dumpers, while if you want to clean up a construction site you can do with a Terex mini dumper. To sum things up, Terex dumpers are designed to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

If you are looking for Terex equipment, you can visit the nearest dealership or look for some used Terex dumpers on the Internet. By browsing our site, you can find many used Terex dumpers available for sale today. Depending on your funds, you can decide on some newer models with few working hours or some older equipment which is priced lower.

If you are looking for a reliable dump truck, Terex dumpers can be a perfect solution. There are many types of them, so you should consider which would be the most useful for you: a mini dumper, an articulated or hydrostatic site dumper, or maybe a 4x4 truck.

The most popular models of Terex are:
Terex hr 32 | Terex ta 25 | Terex ta 27 | TEREX TR 70 | TEREX TA 30 | Terex TA 35 | Terex TA 25 | Terex TA 40 | Terex TR 60

Among Terex machines you will also find:
Terex cranes | Terex excavators | Terex trucks | Terex TW 160 | Terex forklift | Terex wheel loader