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Used Kobelco mini excavators for sale

Here are all the classified ads with used Kobelco mini excavators < 7t (mini diggers) available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Kobelco mini excavators < 7t (mini diggers) grouped by model.

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When considering to buy any model of Kobelco mini diggers, it’s good to know that the machines feature many upgrades owing to which any construction or excavating job is performed with ease. The above mentioned features include, among others, a new factory-fit and the automatic lubrication system for ED195 and the SK series of Kobelco mini excavators . The last feature reduces grease consumption by providing the right amount of lubrication every twelve minutes. It also cleans the pins and bushing off possible pollution protects seals against dirt, sand, dust or water. The most popular models of Kobelco mini diggers are available for sale in Belgium, France, Italy and the United Kingdom as well as across theUSA. For example, in Belgium, a 2001 SK80MSR unit with 5,500 operating hours 8 tons of weight is usually sold for about USD $30,687. All Kobelco mini excavators are equipped with the extra 4-way angle blade 35SR Acera and 50SR Acera, long arms to reach the additional digging depth, 3 post ROPS/fOPS with a canopy option that gives the operator easy access to the digging areas and a fully shielded cab system, which is available with the 27SR, 30SR and 50SR models. It is worth mentioning that all Kobelco mini diggers comply with Tier IV stage A engine requirements. In comparison, the 27SR model boasts the operating weight with 21.6 HP, 2,200 RPM and 8' 4" maximum digging depth. The Kobelco 50SR mini excavator provides a total operation weight with 39.3 HP, 2,400 RPM and a maximum digging depth of 11' 9. Mascus, USA, offers a wide range of used models of Kobelco mini diggers perfect for any for agricultural, construction, forestry, grounds care and material handling jobs.