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Used New Holland mini excavators for sale

Here are all the classified ads with used New Holland mini excavators < 7t (mini diggers) available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used New Holland mini excavators < 7t (mini diggers) grouped by model.

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New Holland has been manufacturing excavating machinery since 1921. From the very beginning of the company’s existence, New Holland's brand and products have earned the highest reputation for the excellent performance and service support. New Holland mini excavators’ owners are provided with the services of the extensive national network of dealers , available 24/7. New Holland machines have been designed especially to work in tight spaces. Their mini diggers characterize of zero tail swing which makes them versatile, maneuverable and able to perform the jobs that larger machines couldn’t possibly do. Equipped with the increased horse power, faster cycle times, and two travel speeds, New Holland mini excavators are willingly used even on large job sites. The most popular models of New Holland mini diggers for sale are available on Mascus, the electronic platform. The vehicles like the E9SR, E18SR, E27B, E30B, E35B, and E50B's compact dimensions coupled with boom swing allow working in tight areas with no effort. The vehicles are able to do some multitasking with the use of standard dozer blade and standard auxiliary hydraulics for a hammer and auger as well as a variety of other extra attachments. The use of light-touch, low-effort controls let the operators of New Holland mini diggers work comfortably and be even more productive, granted the outstanding visibility and ease of maneuverability. Whatever your needs are, browse Mascus to find any model of New Holland mini diggers that you need.