Here are all the classified ads with used Liebherr special excavators available for sale. Sort them by year of production, price, working hours or country. You can also find all used Liebherr special excavators grouped by model.
Special excavators 1992 Germany, 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany7d
Special excavators 2011 10,212 h Poland, Nowy Sącz, małopolskie
Special excavators 2017 14,000 h Israel, Israel
Special excavators 2017 21,800 h Israel, Israel
Special excavators 2011 10,535 h Slovenia
Special excavators 2010 20,465 h Netherlands
Special excavators 1997 29,592 h Austria, Ardagger Stift, Niederösterreich
Special excavators 2016 8,375 h Poland, Nowy Sącz, małopolskie
Special excavators 2015 Netherlands, SUMAR
Special excavators 2006 16,400 h Germany, Oberderdingen, Baden-Württemberg
Special excavators 2008 Israel, Israel
Special excavators 2015 8,500 h Romania, Gataia, Jud. Timis
Special excavators 2008 15,800 h Estonia
Special excavators 2000 11,530 h France, Paris
Special excavators 1994 20,265 h Netherlands, Peest