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    Used Manitou forklift trucks for sale

    Mascus has a wide variety of used Manitou forklift trucks including top models such as the Manitou MI25, Manitou M30 and Manitou MSI30. Browse related categories including Manitou diesel forklifts, Manitou electric forklifts and Manitou lpg trucks.

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    Manitou Company & their Forklift Trucks

    Manitou Company, a prominent manufacturer of handling and lifting equipment for rough terrains, was founded more than 37 years ago in South Africa. Since that time, the company has expanded across the globe, with locations based in the United Kingdom and North America, among others. Manitou is considered to be unique among the forklift truck manufacturing business. Manitou Company engineers are the inventors of the rough terrain forklift trucks. Their forklift trucks models have been categorized into three production lines. These consist of the rough terrain forklift trucks, conventional trucks and electric forklift vehicles. The rough terrain forklift trucks are designed for loading, lifting, and handling outdoor tasks. Conventional forklift trucks, in turn, are used mostly indoors. They are commonly powered by gasoline or natural gas.

    Manitou Electric Forklifts

    Electric forklift compact models used mostly in large warehouses are just a small part of what Manitou manufactures as the company offers machinery for several other industries except of warehousing. These include construction, agriculture, mining, and processing timber. The vehicles used in these industries are equipped mainly in excavating features. The most renowned vehicle of that kind is called Manihoe - a tractor-loading backhoe, able to lift two and one-half ton loads to a height of five meters with its unique telescoping arm. It also has a traditional front bucket designed for excavating purposes. Manitou Company has also integrated their rough terrain forklift truck design with the Manihoe. This was done to create a rugged backhoe, capable of operating on more than just level ground.